Whitchurch Silk Mill - July 2024

 After leaving Winchester our coach travelled a few miles out of the city to the small village of Whitchurch.   We disembarked our coach and made our way to the silk mill, crossing the river Test.

The building was built in 1813 and has been in various ownership over the years.   The Mill was rescued by Hampshire Buildings Preservation Trust in 1985 after the building fell into disrepair.  The Mill opened as a working museum in 1990 and in 2020 the Mill underwent a major restoration programme funded by the National Lottery.

The machinery is all Victorian and the Mill Wheel is the original, although some parts have been replaced.  Apparently, some Victorian bodging was discovered during this parts replacement!   Nowadays the looms are powered by electricity, but wheel power is used occasionally for demonstrations, but not when we were there.   

At one time the Mill produced 16 colours for Burberry to use in the lining of their famous raincoats.  Ottoman silk is produced here - this is used for Barristers gowns.  Silk for Princess Diana's wedding dress was produced here.

Despite being a very hot day, it was a most interesting visit.  We discovered that none of the windows in the building opened, so it got a bit stifling by the end of our tour.   

We all enjoyed a very welcome cup of tea and cake at the end of our visit.



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