Chelsea - May 2016 - The Gardens and Floral Arrangements

Marie and I went to visit the Chelsea Flower Show last week.  We had tickets for the afternoon from 3.30.
I'll put these photo's up in two lots - I took over 100 photo's,   So, to start here are the outside gardens, but the first two are from the the Kings Road for Chelsea in Bloom week.  I can't remember the names of all the gardens, but will add them as and when I do.

Dairmud Gavin's garden - we did not like the moving hedges and window boxes very much. but the cottagey planting was lovely.

I rather like this unusual garden seat - I think it was on one of the trade stands.

Matthew Wilson's Garden - the stained glass and sideways window depicts York Minster.  This was one of my favourite gardens.  Also the public's as it won the Public Vote for Best Garden.    

This reminded me of the children's story of Strewwelpeter

The Telegraph Garden - designed by Andy Sturgeon - Gold Medal and Best in Show. Andy can be seen - just - standing 4th from right.

Another view of the Telegraph Garden - a lot of people did not like this garden, but I rather did.  It was a garden I would enjoy being in and working in.

After a welcome and warming cup of tea and a piece of cake Marie and I popped in to look at the floral decorations.  I am not sure, but I don't remember seeing these on the BBC's coverage of Chelsea.  I might have missed some of it though.

Not sure I would like one of these huge faces in my garden

We were fascinated by these sculptures made with what looked like drift wood.

Isn't this peeing dog fun?


This was the garden designed to depict slavery - in the past, and now. 

Not sure how one would mow the grass here.
Chelsea Pensioner showing off his iPhone

The following photo's show the knitted and crocheted poppies - quite a remarkable achievement, and very moving.

More soon.


  1. Oh thanks Gwen!That dog was best one,,i was laughing here out loud. :)


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